Archive for the ‘Pasta’ Category

Bertolli Chicken Florentine & Farfalle

Friday, October 2nd, 2009


Bertolli Chicken Florentine & Farfalle - Ad

Bertolli Chicken Florentine & Farfalle


Chicken not so browned
But All else looks terrific
4 points out of 5


Man I love this stuff
I could eat it all winter
Full 5 out of 5

Have you tried this meal? Leave your own haiku describing it in the comments below.

Simply Asia Rice Noodle Soup Bowl

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

Simply Asia Rice Noodle Bowl - Ad

Simply Asia Rice Noodle Bowl

Looks: The noodles and broth are much yellower than pictured, and all of the vegetable pieces sank to the bottom when I stirred it. Also, no chopsticks! Do they think I just keep chopsticks around my house? I had to settle for using Q-Tips. 4 out of 5

Taste: It doesn’t really have one. The broth is non-offensive, and vaguely reminds one of chicken soup, and the noodles are filling, but tasteless. If you’re looking for a quick warm bowl of something to chew on, this is it, but if you want something tasty, look elsewhere. 2 out of 5

Banquet Fish Stick Meal

Thursday, September 24th, 2009

Banquet Fish Stick Meal - Ad

Banquet Fish Stick Meal

Looks: Do you see, on the box, where it says “Enlarged to show quality”? It should really say “Enlarged because there’s hardly any food in this box,” because the “quality” they were showing doesn’t exist in real life. The breading on the fish sticks was slipping off, the macaroni noodles are not the proper scale, and the pudding is dark and lumpy, not smooth and creamy. 3 out of 5

Taste: Disappointing. The fish sticks were chewy, which I didn’t know was possible, because it’s minced fish meat – how can that be chewy? The macaroni was watery and tasteless, and there was so little pudding that I couldn’t find a spoon small enough to fit into the little bowl. (I’m obviously kidding about that; I just couldn’t think of any words to describe the pudding’s taste.) I would never buy this meal again. 1 out of 5

Domino’s Three Cheese Mac-n-Cheese Pasta Bowl

Sunday, September 20th, 2009

Reader Jacob sends in this picture and commentary of Domino’s Three Cheese Mac-N-Cheese Pasta Bowl:



Looks: The pasta looks generally the same in both cases, as does the “bowl”‘s crustiness, but the problem here (and it’s a doozy) is that the product in question is not nearly as tall in real life as it is in the ads. It’s really more of a pizza with pasta on top. 2.5 out of 5

Taste: I’m not gonna lie: this thing is delicious. But, when you’re eating, you’re faced with a conundrum: Do you eat the pasta and the bowl together, or do you eat the pasta and then eat the bowl, which on its own is pretty dry? Either way, I don’t know how anyone, no matter how hungry, could eat a whole Bread Bowl Pasta on their own. 4 out of 5

Uh, yeah, no one would ever eat a whole Bread Bowl Pasta in one sitting. Especially not me. Especially not while watching The Biggest Loser… alone. And crying. No sirree.

(If you’d like to submit your own Food IRL, head on over to the Reader Submission Form. Include a photo, and optionally (but ideally), a description of how the food tasted.)