Archive for the ‘Alfredo’ Category

Birds Eye Steamfresh Shrimp Alfredo

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

Birds Eye Steamfresh Shrimp Alfredo - Ad

Birds Eye Steamfresh Shrimp Alfredo

Looks: It was hard to get a good picture of this due to the reflectiveness of the sauce (any photographers out there have tips for me?), but besides the prominence of the shrimp, it looked very much the same in real life as it did on the package. 4.5 out of 5

Taste: Anyone who has visited this site for a while knows how much I love meals from Bertolli like the Chicken Florentine or Fettucini Alfredo. They’re great frozen pasta meals that you just toss in a skillet for 10 minutes. This meal is like the poor man’s Bertolli. You don’t have to use a skillet (just microwave the entire bag), and the quality is about 75% of that of a comparable Bertolli meal – the noodles are a little softer, the sauce isn’t as rich, and the peas just get in the way, but it’s still a very good meal for how easy it is to prepare. 4 out of 5

Kraft Cheesy Alfredo Macaroni & Cheese Dinner

Monday, November 2nd, 2009

Kraft Cheesy Alfredo Macaroni & Cheese - Ad

Kraft Cheesy Alfredo Macaroni & Cheese

Looks: Pretty close, eh? The only takeaway I have is that either the spoon on their box is huge, or they’re understating the size of the noodles. There’s no way I could fit the same amount of macaroni on the tablespoon I used, although I don’t know why they’d understate the size of their food. 4.5 out of 5

Taste: The first few bites were the best boxed macaroni I’ve ever had, but as I continued to eat, something about the cheese sauce made me feel a little off, so I didn’t finish the entire bowl. Might have just been me; have any of you readers tried this and felt the same way? In any case, I’m judging it by the first bites: big chewy noodles and thick creamy sauce. 4 out of 5

Bertolli Chicken Alfredo & Fettuccine

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

Bertolli Chicken Alfredo & Fettuccine - Ad

Bertolli Chicken Alfredo & Fettuccine

Looks: This is the first Bertolli meal I’ve had that didn’t look almost exactly like its packaging. The noodles are off-color (if they were a movie, they’d be rated PG-13… ba dum bum), and the chicken and mushroom pieces shown on the bag are most definitely not that size. 2.5 out of 5

Taste: Although it doesn’t look as expected, it tastes fantastic. I used to call the Bertolli Chicken Florentine & Farfalle my favorite Bertolli meal, but my wife and I both agree that this dish tops it. The noodles have just the right amount of bite and texture, and the sauce is a nice light alfredo (admittedly, our favorite kind of sauce). The chicken is most, as Bertolli always manages. (You might be thinking, “Man, this guy is in love with Bertolli.” You would not be incorrect to think this.) I cannot think of enough things to say in praise of this meal. 5 out of 5