Archive for the ‘Pasta’ Category

Knorr Creamy Chicken Pasta Sides

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

Knorr Creamy Chicken Pasta Sides - Ad

Knorr Creamy Chicken Pasta Sides

Looks: Much flatter than the noodles on the box, and where are the carrots? The sauce too is lacking, making the whole dish stick together rather than fluff up like on the package. 3 out of 5

Taste: It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t terrible. It had a nice subtle chicken flavor, and while most of the noodles cooked nicely, the hard bits of uncooked pasta that somehow didn’t cook at all almost ruined it. As I was eating it, I was thinking about how I would score its taste. I would take a couple bites, enjoy them, and think, “It’s maybe a 4.” Then I would get a bite that had a hard piece of pasta that managed not to cook, and I’d think “Not so fast, 4.” If the pasta had all been cooked, it might have ended up with a 3.5. 2.5 out of 5

Kraft Cheesy Alfredo Macaroni & Cheese Dinner

Monday, November 2nd, 2009

Kraft Cheesy Alfredo Macaroni & Cheese - Ad

Kraft Cheesy Alfredo Macaroni & Cheese

Looks: Pretty close, eh? The only takeaway I have is that either the spoon on their box is huge, or they’re understating the size of the noodles. There’s no way I could fit the same amount of macaroni on the tablespoon I used, although I don’t know why they’d understate the size of their food. 4.5 out of 5

Taste: The first few bites were the best boxed macaroni I’ve ever had, but as I continued to eat, something about the cheese sauce made me feel a little off, so I didn’t finish the entire bowl. Might have just been me; have any of you readers tried this and felt the same way? In any case, I’m judging it by the first bites: big chewy noodles and thick creamy sauce. 4 out of 5

Lean Cuisine Sesame Chicken

Friday, October 30th, 2009

Lean Cuisine Sesame Chicken - Ad

Lean Cuisine Sesame Chicken

Looks: The chicken is soggy, not crispy, and there aren’t any sesame seeds on it. Additionally (or subtractionally), there aren’t as many vegetables in the noodles as the box pictures. Everything else is pretty close, except that I couldn’t find the chopsticks in the box and had to go buy my own. 3.5 out of 5

Taste: The main detriment to this meal is the soggy chicken breading. It would be close to perfect if not for that, although I don’t think I’ve ever had crispy chicken come out of a microwave. The noodles are substantial, but they don’t have much of a flavor, and I would have liked to see (and taste) more vegetables. (The plum sauce beneath the chicken and noodles was surprisingly good though.) 3.5 out of 5

Healthy Choice Grilled Chicken Marinara Cafe Steamer

Thursday, October 29th, 2009

Healthy Choice Grilled Chicken Marinara Cafe Steamer - Ad

Healthy Choice Grilled Chicken Marinara Cafe Steamer

Looks: Are those even the same meals? The chicken pieces are deformed, the broccoli looks weak, the cheese is missing, and the sauce (which got mixed into the meal, by direction) was not the right color. 1 out of 5

Taste: It tastes about how it looks. Weak, without any standout flavors. The chicken tasted strange, like it was really ground chicken formed back into nuggets – not at all like “Grilled Chicken Marinara.” Very disappointing for what I’ve always seen as an upper-level brand. 2 out of 5