Archive for the ‘Fast Food’ Category

Culver’s ButterBurger with Cheese

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009


(Double ButterBurger)

Culver's Butterburger with Cheese

(Single ButterBurger)

Looks: I could only find an official picture of the double Butterburger, but even accounting for that difference, the real deal doesn’t quite stack up. The bun isn’t as fluffy, the toppings (under the patty) aren’t as evenly placed, and the meat doesn’t extend beyond the edge of the bread. 3.5 out of 5

Taste: Who cares how it looks? The Culver’s ButterBurger is the single best fast-food hamburger in America. I’ve had McDonald’s, Burger King, Hardee’s, Carl’s Jr., Wendy’s, A&W, In-N-Out, Lion’s Tap, and many others, and none of them top Culver’s. The bread has just the right amount of chewiness, and the cheese melts into the burger, almost infusing its flavor into the beef. Putting the lettuce/tomato/etc. beneath the patty and sealing them in with the cheese prevents them from sliding out while you eat, and each bite of the beef patty makes you see a little bit of heaven. I’m not afraid to say that when the burger was gone, I cried a little bit. 5 out of 5

Subway Bacon and Egg Breakfast Sub

Sunday, August 30th, 2009


(multiple varieties picture)

Subway Bacon and Egg

(pictured on Monterey Cheddar bread, not Italian).

Looks: The meat and cheese aren’t folded inside the egg like in the advertisement, and there isn’t nearly enough sandwich toppings to make the bread fold open like the ad shows. It does fall within the generally-accepted range of how fast food should look compared to the advertised product. 3.5 out of 5

Taste: Satisfying, but without a lot of flavor. The egg has a strange wetness that you feel inside of your mouth as you chew on it, as if it were filled with a bunch of small water pockets. The bread is good and chewy, and the pre-cooked bacon adds a little snap to the rest of the sandwich’s softness. Since it is intended for breakfast, a time of day when most people are averse to strong flavors, it’s not a bad combination. 3.5 out of 5

Pizza Hut Stuffed-Crust Pan Pizza

Friday, August 28th, 2009

Pizza Hut Stuffed-Crust Pan Pizza - Ad

Pizza Hut Stuffed-Crust Pan Pizza

Pizza Hut Stuffed-Crust Pan Pizza - Closeup

Looks: Not much different than a regular pan pizza from Pizza Hut. Some sauce spots peeking through the cheese and toppings, and the crust was a little lighter than the pizza in the ad. Also, the crust isn’t actually “stuffed” like the Stuffed-Crust pizza that Pizza Hut already offers; rather, there’s a moat of cheese next to the crust. The moat most definitely does not stand out like in the ad. 3 out of 5

Taste: Greasy. The crust + cheese combination tastes better than the crust of a regular stuffed-crust pizza, but the rest of the pizza tastes mostly like grease-covered bread. I wouldn’t order it again, and my hands were so slippery with grease that, by the end of the meal, I probably couldn’t have held onto my phone long enough to order it again anyway. 2 out of 5