Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich

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Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich

Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich - Interior

(This sandwich was purchased from the Chick-fil-A in the Philadelphia airport during a 16-hour layover, so take from that what you will.)

Looks: Browner, crispier, and flatter than the advertised sandwich. The pickles were only visible after some exploration. (Although the bottom of that chicken patty makes me want to rethink my rating…) 4 out of 5

Taste: I can understand why McDonald’s came out with their own “southern” chicken sandwich in order to try and replicate Chick-fil-A’s success. The chicken patty is very good – crunchy batter and juicy meat – although it doesn’t taste too different from the chicken that Burger King serves on their Chicken Tendercrisp sandwich, so there’s nothing especially unique about it, but soft bread + good chicken = happy mouth. (I don’t care too much for pickles, so I gave them to my one-year-old son. He had no comment.) 4.5 out of 5

Healthy Choice Asian Potstickers, Revisited

Ever since reader Dena Struchtemeyer sent in her review of Healthy Choice’s Asian Potstickers, I had wanted to try some myself to see how closely my exerience would mirror hers. I hope to do this with other reader reviews in the future, so let me know how I’m doing.

Healthy Choice Sweet Asian Potstickers - Ad

Dena’s potstickers:

Healthy Choice Sweet Asian Potstickers

My potstickers:

Healthy Choice Sweet Asian Potstickers

Looks: Not as vibrant or as fresh as the box depicts, but much moreso than Dena’s. The portion sizes are accurate though. 3.5 out of 5

Taste: The potstickers were chewy (the way I like them), but the filling was mostly tasteless – tofu is not known for its flavor. On the other hand, the rice surrounding the potstickers was terrible; gritty and dry, completely unpalatable. I’d eat the potstickers again if I was able to get them for free, but I’d still throw the rice away. 2 out of 5

Lean Cuisine Chicken in Peanut Sauce

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Lean Cuisine Chicken in Peanut Sauce

Looks: The only difference from box to bowl is that the sauce is thicker in real life, and this gives the entire dish less of a “shiny” appearance and more of a “mucky” appearance, to use a technical term. 4.5 out of 5

Taste: Have you ever made a bowl of chicken, noodles, and vegetables, and then just for the heck of it, mixed in a few tablespoons of peanut butter? No? Because that would taste weird? Yeah, it would taste weird, wouldn’t it. If this meal came without the peanut sauce, it would probably rate a 3.5, but the thick peanut sauce was just too much like peanut butter. 2 out of 5

Kellogg’s Chocolatey Peanut Butter Fiber Plus Bar

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FiberPlus Chocolatey Peanut Butter Bars

This bar is pretty much the Kellogg’s Chocolate Chip FiberPlus Bar, but with peanut butter chips on top, so I’ll save you the trouble of going to read that review and paste it in here with the appropriate changes for you.

Looks: Maybe if I had left this bar under my photography lamps a little longer, the chocolate would have gotten all melty like on the box. The oats look a little off too – I don’t see any white ones on the box. With peanut butter chips on top. 4 out of 5

Taste: The dark chocolate and almond version of this bar is amazing; but this one only “very good.” I found the milk chocolate a little too sweet, and the bar itself is a little less chewy than the dark chocolate one. Still very tasty though; don’t get me wrong. With peanut butter chips on top. 4 out of 5