Archive for the ‘Reader Submission’ Category

Jeno’s Pizza

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009

Because I am not a machine, here is another reader submission, this time from Razor512:

Jeno's Pizza - Ad

Jeno's Pizza

“For $1.69 I picked up a box of Jeno’s pizza (total waste of money). This pizza if probably one of the blandest pizzas I have ever tasted. The crust is very thin, it looks thick due to it mostly being hollow on the inside. There is very little cheese and the sauce has very little taste and there is very little sauce (it the sauce it pretty much a part of the crust it is like the factory spilled sauce on the pizza and then tried to clean it all off leaving behind only the stain of sauce that used to be there). Overall for taste, I give it a 1 out of 5 and for look, I give it a 1 out of 5 also.”

Thanks, Razor512. (I especially enjoyed the phrase “stain of sauce.”)

If you’d like to submit your own Food IRL, head on over to the Reader Submission Form. Include a photo, and optionally (but ideally), a description of how the food tasted.

Domino’s Three Cheese Mac-n-Cheese Pasta Bowl

Sunday, September 20th, 2009

Reader Jacob sends in this picture and commentary of Domino’s Three Cheese Mac-N-Cheese Pasta Bowl:



Looks: The pasta looks generally the same in both cases, as does the “bowl”‘s crustiness, but the problem here (and it’s a doozy) is that the product in question is not nearly as tall in real life as it is in the ads. It’s really more of a pizza with pasta on top. 2.5 out of 5

Taste: I’m not gonna lie: this thing is delicious. But, when you’re eating, you’re faced with a conundrum: Do you eat the pasta and the bowl together, or do you eat the pasta and then eat the bowl, which on its own is pretty dry? Either way, I don’t know how anyone, no matter how hungry, could eat a whole Bread Bowl Pasta on their own. 4 out of 5

Uh, yeah, no one would ever eat a whole Bread Bowl Pasta in one sitting. Especially not me. Especially not while watching The Biggest Loser… alone. And crying. No sirree.

(If you’d like to submit your own Food IRL, head on over to the Reader Submission Form. Include a photo, and optionally (but ideally), a description of how the food tasted.)

LightLife Smart Bacon

Sunday, September 13th, 2009

Another reader submission today, this one from Liz King:

“Smarter to just buy the real thing…

This ‘smart bacon’ tastes about as good as it looks – like cardboard. It’s dry, and as you can see in the picture, I could only stand to take 2 small bites before throwing the entire thing in the garbage. EW! I’m a meat eater who LOVES bacon, and I was looking for a healthier, easy-to-cook alternative. Never again!”

Looks: This product has the honorable distinction of being the lowest-scoring entry in Food IRL’s history. “Bacon” that looks like cardboard (and not even attractive cardboard)? 0 out of 5

Weight Watchers Oatmeal and Raisin Cookie

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

Today, we have our first reader submission. Thanks Anne for sending in the photo and description below!

Weight Watches Cookies - Ad

(Oatmeal and Raisin variety pictured on the left.)

Weight Watchers Oatmeal and Raisin Cookie

“The other Weight Watcher snack products closely match the picture, so I was surprised to see such a discrepancy. The package does say that the picture is enlarged to show texture, but there isn’t much texture to begin with, nor were any of the cookies chock full of raisins either. As a cookie lover, I might as well just spring for the bad fatty oatmeal cookies or make my own with raisins a-plenty, as this package of 9 cookies was $3.49 Canadian. A poor value.”

Looks: If half of your product name is “raisin,” half of your product better be raisins. 3 out of 5

(If you’d like to submit your own Food IRL, head on over to the Reader Submission Form. Include a photo, and optionally (but ideally), a description of how the food tasted.)