Today, we have our first reader submission. Thanks Anne for sending in the photo and description below!
(Oatmeal and Raisin variety pictured on the left.)
“The other Weight Watcher snack products closely match the picture, so I was surprised to see such a discrepancy. The package does say that the picture is enlarged to show texture, but there isn’t much texture to begin with, nor were any of the cookies chock full of raisins either. As a cookie lover, I might as well just spring for the bad fatty oatmeal cookies or make my own with raisins a-plenty, as this package of 9 cookies was $3.49 Canadian. A poor value.”
Looks: If half of your product name is “raisin,” half of your product better be raisins. 3 out of 5
(If you’d like to submit your own Food IRL, head on over to the Reader Submission Form. Include a photo, and optionally (but ideally), a description of how the food tasted.)