Tyson Anytizers Honey BBQ Boneless Chicken Wings

Tyson Anytizers Honey BBQ Boneless Chicken Wings - Ad

Tyson Anytizers Honey BBQ Boneless Chicken Wings

Tyson Anytizers Honey BBQ Boneless Chicken Wings - Cut

Looks: They look a little dryer than the nuggets on the box, which appear to be sweating, so maybe that’s a good thing. 4 out of 5

Taste: Sweet and juicy. The breading has a nice honey undertone, and the chicken meat inside is very moist. I have no complaints about them, except that I expected to find a dipping sauce inside the box, but instead I had to supply my own. 5 out of 5


  1. Eating The Road says:

    Those actually do look appetizing. How much was the box? ….and what’d you use as your dipping sauce?

  2. Bill says:

    Is the box suggesting that these be served falling from the sky and rolling around on the table?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Is it a chicken “wing” or “wyng”?

  4. John says:

    I’ve had these before. I’ll have them again. That said, I’m not proud.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I wonder If you could create a better result by tossing some plain chicken nuggets in the bbq or hot sauce of your choice.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Could always buy some boneless chicken thighs, roll ’em in flour, breadcrumbs, and egg, then deep fry and shallow fry in some decent bbq sauce.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I second 5:11.

    Why are these wyngs and not wings?

    Is this like how vegetarian chicken substitute is called chik’n instead of chicken?

  8. Anonymous says:

    I tried these a while back and thought they were pretty bad. The couple first bites are not bad but the flavor becomes overwhelming as you eat them.

  9. FoodIRL says:

    Wow, I didn’t even notice that until it was brought up in the comments. I think they’re “wyngs” because they’re not actual chicken wings, just chicken meat. It would be impossible to have a truly boneless chicken wing.

  10. Anonymous says:

    They are soo good!

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