Michelina’s Budget Gourmet Homestyle Macaroni & Cheese

Michelina's Budget Gourmet Homestyle Macaroni & Cheese - Ad

Michelina's Budget Gourmet Homestyle Macaroni & Cheese

Soft noodles and (literally) tasteless sauce. It claims to be “homestyle,” but if my mom was making this “style” of macaroni at “home,” I’d be ordering in every night. Michelina’s is now 0 for 2 on this blog; do I dare institute a “three strikes and you’re out” rule?

Looks: 3.5 out of 5 Taste: 1 out of 5


  1. Duffin says:

    I don’t believe you should do that. There are a lot of Michelina’s and I used to buy them all the time (until Kroger got greedy and raised the price by 10 cents. They’re not really worth $1.10). The Swedish Meatballs are pretty good. My favorite was the Sweet and Sour Chicken, so try those before making a judgement of striking out Michelina’s 🙂

  2. Adam Meller says:

    I agree with Duffin. I have been consistently impressed with the Lean Gourmets brand of Michaelina’s meals. I’ve had at least 5 different meals and they’ve all been well worth the $1 sale price I paid.

  3. Stephanie says:

    Yeah, I agree with the above two as well. I think you just pick them badly lol. My friend says their alfredo is good, and I can’t remember exactly but I know I’ve had some things by Michelina’s that I thought was good.

  4. Noir says:

    Don’t. How will the rest know their products suck?

  5. Mike says:

    I haven’t had this particular budget gourmet, but my local store recently had these for 44 cents a piece (with additional $10 purchase) so I bought a few. And, although they weren’t bad, they’re really tiny — maybe a side dish at best. So, worth .44, but probably not too much more than that….

  6. Marissa says:

    I agree with the above comments. Back when Budget Gourmet was a separate entity, the swedish meatballs were great. Assuming, Michaelina’s still uses the same recipe, the swedish meatballs are well worth the money.

  7. Erin says:

    I used to love Michelina’s wheels & cheese when I was younger and my mom would always buy them for me. Until sometime when I was in, like, 9th grade, when I made one in the microwave and as I went to dig in found an inexplicable gelatinous colorless blob about 1″ in diameter hanging out in my wheels & cheese. It was disgusting and frightening. I have never purchased a Michelina’s product ever again.

  8. Katherine says:


  9. eats says:

    the entire Michelina brand of products is terrible. i saw you dont even need to try a third.

  10. Razor512 says:

    I have tried those before. Very little in the box and the taste is difficult to describe. It is a pretty good science breakthrough. Think about it. How can Food contain so many ingredients but have so little taste? (for home style it sure contains many ingredients that are not sold in stores)

    It gives new meaning to bland and I had to force my self to eat it because after making it, you cant return it for a refund.

  11. Acid246 says:

    Your seriously so pissed about it that you went and bitched online? I for one think it’s great. Hey I don’t like soy sauce. Should I go blog about how tasteless it is and go try and put an end to it?

  12. ummm says:

    I love this mac and cheese. I don’t see the point of you posting all the bad things about it. Who cares about your opinion. We can try it ourselves, thank you very much.

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