Lean Cuisine Pasta Romano with Bacon

Lean Cuisinse Pasta Romano with Bacon - Ad

Lean Cuisinse Pasta Romano with Bacon - Ad-2

Looks: Except for the absence of melted cheese (which most likely melted into the sauce as it cooked), Lean Cuisine accurately portrayed this meal. Probably because it doesn’t look disgusting in real life, so there’s no reason to fake it. 4.5 out of 5

Taste: Nothing special, but nothing terrible. In the grand scheme of pasta, there are five levels of taste:

1. Michelina’s
2. Chef Boyardee
3. Dry pasta with canned sauce
4. Homemade pasta with homemade sauce
5. Homemade pasta with homemade sauce in Italy

This meals comes in somewhere around #3. The slight bacon taste gives it a little edge over your generic jarred spaghetti sauce, but I might not have noticed that there was bacon in this if I hadn’t already known it. 3 out of 5


  1. Eating The Road says:

    That’s certainly one of the better representations I’ve seen. Is there anywhere on the box that explains the added (melted) cheese to be a supplement?

  2. Anonymous says:

    This is my 2nd favorite Lean Cuisine! I an totally taste the bacon. I do add 1/2 a packet of that red pepper from the pizza places to kick it up a notch though! 😉

  3. Lorrie Mongeau says:

    I add a piece of buttered bread to make the meal more filling. I top with shredded cheese, paprika and crushed red pepper flake. One of my favorites!

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