Antioch Farms Chicken Kiev

Antioch Farms Chicken Kiev - Ad

Antioch Farms Chicken Kiev

Looks: While the color and texture are almost identical, the chicken kiev pictured on the box is about 50% longer than the ones found inside. (There is no way that the sliced and unsliced portions on the box belong to the same kiev.) The butter sauce is portrayed accurately, even though my picture doesn’t really show it. (It’s boiling-lava hot, so slicing the chicken without splashing butter magma everywhere was a challenge.) 4 out of 5

Taste: Pretty good. The very ends of the chicken were a bit dry, as they didn’t benefit from the butter bath that the other slices received, but the breading was crisp and the rest of the chicken moist and flavorful. 4.5 out of 5


  1. Jess says:

    This reminds me that we used to call Chicken Kiev “Exploding Chicken” at my high school. We would have it on special occasions, so it would normally be, “Oh, I hope we’re having Exploding Chicken!” Good times.

  2. FoodIRL says:

    I wondered about that when I was writing it… I had a feeling I was wrong.

  3. Doug says:

    I really like this site! Just fyi, the kiev in Chicken Kiev is a post-positive adjective describing the chicken, so the thing wouldn’t be called a kiev; I’m not sure what it would be called, other than piece of chicken, though. Maybe just a roll or lump or something. I hope this doesn’t make me sound pedantic, because I’m really just nerdy about words and realized I’ve never actually heard anyone refer to those things. Cheers!

  4. Harold W. Freeman says:

    I was chagrined to find that your Chicken Kiev contains Diacetyl butter flavoring. This is a very toxic compound. I’m surprised you would use something like this. I won’t buy your product again and am going to write Cub Foods about it.

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