Announcement: Rate Foods With Me!

One of the most common themes in the comments on Food In Real Life is people disagreeing with the ratings I give the foods’ looks: “There’s no way that’s a 4, it’s more like a 2.” “That should be a 4, not a 3.” “Can you even count to 5?”

This weekend, I added a reader rating system to the site so you can all participate in rating the appearances of the foods. (These extra ratings won’t replace mine; they’ll be in addition.)

Since there’s no food in this post to rate, take a look at Saturday’s disgusting Hormel Compleats post for an example. Just click the “Rate This Food’s Looks” link and then click on whichever star you’d rate the food as. (If you’d rate it 3 out of 5, click on the 3rd star.) After you rate it, the page will refresh and show the new average rating for the food from all users.

What do you think of this feature? Can you think of any ways to make it better?


  1. Eating The Road says:

    Awesome, great addition. The only way to make it better would be if you could please figure out a way for me to taste it from my laptop and then I could rate that as well 😛

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hey, do you think you could put a link to the ‘hall of fame’ in the menu bar at the top of the page?
    I could only get to it by scrolling through the old posts.

  3. FoodIRL says:

    Done and done.

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