Lean Cuisine Macaroni & Cheese

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Lean Cuisine Macaroni & Cheese

Looks: Hallelujah, it’s the same as the meal on the box! Well, it’s a little more watery, but that’s it. 4.5 out of 5

Taste: I really like – wait, let me start over. I love macaroni and cheese. It’s possibly my favorite food. So when I saw that this macaroni and cheese looked quite appetizing after cooking, I got excited. I may have danced a little in my kitchen in anticipation. However, my glee was short-lived. Although it looks good, it has only slight cheese flavor, and the noodles themselves are somehow watery. (As in they squish out water when you bite into them.) Don’t make the same mistake I did – don’t get excited over this macaroni. 2.5 out of 5


  1. Tasha says:

    Dammit. I feel like mac and cheese is one of those foods that is used to being processed and therefore should always be moderately tasty. My high hopes are in the gutter.

  2. Eating The Road says:

    Haha..I agree with Tasha…mac & cheese should be “used to being processed”. I might attempt to add a little extra cheese of my own and give it a go then..maybe that will counter balance the wateriness. I too am a huge fan of the M&C!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Well, it is the “Lean Cuisine” version. Stouffer’s original mac and cheese is the bomb diggity.

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